Buses, Drop-Off & Pick-Up


Busing from Lakeside Transportation is provided free of charge for special education students attending D70 Little Sprouts Preschool. Busing routes are posted in student PowerSchool accounts shortly before the school year begins.

If you have questions regarding busing, please contact Mary Tyree at 847-257-2694 with the preschool. 


Late Arrival, Tardiness

Students who arrive later than 8:45 a.m. or 12:15 p.m. should enter through the front office doors. A student is considered tardy if he/she arrives after the start of class at 8:30 a.m. and noon. Students who are tardy should be signed in for the day by an adult in the school office. Optimally, all students are in the classroom, with coats and backpacks put away, sitting at their desk and beginning their morning work by 8:45 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. Students miss important information when they are tardy.



Students can be dropped off on the south side of the building. 



All students exit in the back (east side by the playground) of the school. Students getting picked up via car will line up outside until their parent pulls up near the front of the pick up line.


Parking During School Hours

Parents may park in the school parking lot on the east side of Butterfield School. Please do not park in the neighboring ERC lot as it is dangerous for students and adults to cross across the parking lot. Buses drop off in the circle drive, so please do not enter the circle drive.  Handicapped spots are located just outside the main office entrance and we ask that these designated spots be reserved for those with physical disabilities or needs. Please do not park (for any amount of time) in the striped areas labeled “fire lane”.